Prime Number Endings

A look at what digits prime numbers end with the most

In the first 10'000 prime numbers, most prime numbers end with the digit 3 (2515 of 10'000).
In the first 50'000 prime numbers, 3 remains the most frequent digit that prime numbers end in (12'537 of 50'000).
However, in the first 100'000 prime numbers, most of those numbers end with the digit 7 (25'007 of 100'000).
Ending digit:123579
First 10'000 primes248412515125082491
First 50'000 primes1248711253711250512469
First 100'000 primes2496712500712501525009

The only prime numbers ending with the digits 2 or 5 are 2 or 5, respectively.

List of ending digits, sorted by amount, biggest first:
  • First 10'000: 3, 7, 9, 1
  • First 50'000: 3, 7, 1, 9
  • First 100'000: 7, 9, 3, 1

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